Hello Tribe, I hope life has been treating you well. We have been busy for sure.
You may have, (or may have not) realized that we have been absent. For the last 2 years, Gordon and I have been looking for a place we could call our own. My guides have been telling me to "Be Patient as Your Little Haven Of Peace, Was Surrounded By Nature." We have been searching for 2 years and personally, I was getting a little restless. However, a fine day in May, the search ended, as this quaint building appeared right in front of my eyes.
We both immediately fell in love with it, the sounds of nature, the energies of the ancient woodland. IT FELT LIKE HOME. So, that's were I have been hiding for the past 3 months. Bringing the space back to life. There are still a few little things to do and no doubt, it will grow with us. Then we have Phase 2, which is the creation of an outdoor treatment room and the refurbishment of the garden.
We just can't wait to share with you all of our plans and offerings. Finally, we can be free to express our gifts and creativity with you all, whilst guiding you to reconnect with your true self as you heal and release all that no longer serves you.
So let us welcome you Divine Light Wellbeing Centre. Yes, we are still Lucia & Gordon from ReNew Sound Therapies and Graceful Light, we have just simply GROWN !
With Blessings, Love & Gratitude,
Lucia Graceful Light and Gordon Gene Cooper