Hello Tribe,
I trust you are well. I’ve not had a chance to post this yesterday, as it has been a full-on day. Lots of beautiful work with transformational energies for sure, which couldn’t have come at the perfect time for those beautiful souls who have joined me.
Why, you ask ?
Because yesterday, November 19, Pluto finally shifted from Capricorn into Aquarius and it will remain there until 2043 🙌🏼
Pluto is the planet of transformation – the planet of life, death, rebirth, renewal ... all things of transformation and with this, it also brings a wave of luck and abundance into your lives.
Those of you who have embraced positive change and are beginning to live through your hearts, moving in flow with less resistance, things should begin to ease up for you. The higher you raise your frequency, the easier life will be. The lower your state of consciousness, the harder it will feel.
What that this mean ? Before you stress yourself out, I am not talking about always being happy. I totally innerstand that life can be messy and complicated, so it’s only natural for your vibration to shift.
I am talking about those souls who are not committed to growth, that lie, cheat, commit acts that go against the purity of the soul. Those individuals are the ones who will struggle through this transition, until they begin to heal and chose unity with their souls, thus raising their frequencies.
Also, expect transformations to occur within our friendships and communities. Aquarius is the “one love” sign that wants peace and unity, whilst Pluto destroys everything that is ready to be alchemized into a new form.
Meaning letting go to all that no longer serves us, cutting cords to old friendships, relationships, that are stagnant or disingenuous.
All connections that are “a one way ticket to ride” will be dissolved one way or another. Organically or intentionally.
We are moving into a new age, a new Earth cycle, that demands only the highest good for all.
Many are feeling uneasy, wanting a change, but unsure of how to make it happen. Some may have everything they desire, but still feel a deep void within. Many are stuck in their minds, which is constantly spinning a web of lies, deception, to why you can’t do something, telling you, you are not good enough perhaps, you don’t have time ... the mind will always sabotage you from doing what is best for you, because it was programmed that way, by ourselves, through traumas or the world around us.
What if I told you, YOU, already have the answers to it all and that YOU hold ALL of the keys ?
Everything you are seeking outside of you, is infact within you. You simply have to remember how to unlock your power.
And do you know what this power is ?
What we are all experiencing, yes it’s individual, but it also extends to the collective, as nothing is separate.
Whether you are a non believer, or have had outwardly experiences of your own, we are all on a journey of transformation. We are all experiencing something new. New energies, new ideas, new concepts, new wants and needs. And all can be achieved by going within. By remembering your Divinity, by reconnecting your Mind , Body and Spirit through the Soul.
This is why we all seek a moment of stillness in our busy lives. A chance to sit in communion with ourselves.
Our Souls already know what is best for us, and they are leading you always, now more than before, but we are not always hearing the call, hence the feeling of resistance. This is a time of surrendering, a time where we must place self care first.
When we begin to let go of all things that no longer serve us, be it in the material, physical or spiritual world, we become more integrated with our true selves. As we shed our selves, layer by layer, we begin to rediscover who we are, what makes us happy, what truly matters to us and not what is expected. So, step by step, we begin to live OUR truth, we begin to live in our hearts and lead with our Souls and not our heads, and all of the sudden you realise, you begin to feel lighter, everything around you is more positive, life feels to move more with the flow and not against it.
But there is no magick wand to make everything change and disappear overnight. I will never blind you with the idea that everything is love and light. That would be irresponsible, because this realm is flooded with darkness. We live in a dualistic world, and the higher you raise up, and shine, the more attractive you will become to the lower world. This is why we are on a journey. We are all learning how to dance with the light and dark.
The focus is love and light, of course, but we cannot ignore the opposite spectrum, or we become complacent and weak. It’s about learning how to navigate through darkness to reach the light, as it’s through the darkness that we grow and expand.
The key is learning how to handle the darkness and integrate it to become light.
Meaning, we must acknowledge every single part of our existence in order to create a life of abundance.
Let’s bring it down to a personal level. Many of us, are so hard on ourselves, because we think we may have done something in the past, that was bad. So we ignore it, we try to push it down as deep as we can. But, this will always surface back up. Because it is energy created, living within us, therefore it can never be ignored or destroyed, only transmuted. This is why shadow work is important.
The key is to bring to attention all parts of us, the light and the dark. We must accept, that we become who we are, because of those parts we so desperately want to ignore. It’s by integration that we become stronger. By accepting and giving gratitude to those parts that make us feel less than, we can begin to mend and restore ourselves.
This is the representation of the Yin & Yang. Light will always contain darkness as darkness always contains light. Everything is about balance and integration, respecting, honouring and innerstanding both energies, for our highest good.
You can never ignore what is part of you or your creation. And this is what we are all experiencing as we move through these unprecedented times in our history.
All that once lived in darkness, must come to light and it is, as we are clearly witnessing, throughout the whole spectrum, from the macrocosm of the Universe to the microcosm within ourselves.
We simply have no choice but to simply embrace it and surrender by going with it and not against it.
Like I said, it’s a journey and I totally innerstand, is not an easy one, but I can guarantee you, if you do the work, you begin to shift and everything does become easier as you integrate with your truth and essence, and it all becomes second nature. And I speak from experience.
I am human, despite what I can do, or how many lifetimes I have had. I am on my own journey and I have to experience life in order to relate and help others. You will ALWAYS have truth from me, it is something I embody at the Soul level, and this truth may not be of your liking at times, but always trust, it’s what you need to hear at that moment in time, even if it stings, or you may disagree. It’s simply speaking to your soul and it will ripple through your being at a deeper level, until your conscious mind come into union with it. This will be instant, days, months or even years.
So Dear Ones, embrace the journey and welcome Pluto in Aquarius as we move through many deaths and rebirths and are made Anew once more.
Keep Rising Up, Keep Shining & Don’t Forget Your Are Amazing.
With Unconditional Love
Lucia Graceful Light 🙌🏼 👼🏼 💖