Stephen Goldsack
Internationally Recognized Medium | Spiritual Development Teacher
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For more information, please visit Stephen's website or email him to chat further and don't forget to mention DIVINE LIGHT as reference.
Hello! My name is Stephen and I am an Internationally recognized Medium and Spiritual Teacher. I am very passionate about connecting you with spirit to deliver messages of love and comfort.
A Bit About Me
Stephen Goldsack
I have been aware of spirit from early childhood my Mediumistic journey started in my late teens.
I enjoy sharing my connection with spirit through private settings public demonstrations and teaching people to recognise and develop their own relationship with spirit. Really is a joyous gift seeing students progress within their own connection to spirit.
I am a firm believer of evidential mediumship to convey the emotion and essence of the spirit communicator to bring truth comfort and to represent spirit how this wish to be conveyed. I have been publicly demonstrating my mediumship at spiritualist churches and venues across the UK and internationally with the The Spiritualist Association of Great Britain (SAGB) and virtually via Zoom, and telephone.
I'm always pleased to connect with spirit and enjoy the versatility of them embracing new ways to connect us all whether it be an in person sitting or a remote virtual sitting.
I am very excited to be joining the Divine Light Wellbeing Centre and I am looking forward to meeting you all.
Dates & Events Soon To Be Released