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Sheila Rose

Angel Therapist | Spiritual Mentor | Healer | Singer | Speaker

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For more information, please visit Sheila's website or email her to chat further and don't forget to mention DIVINE LIGHT as reference.


Psychic Art - Use Your Intuition

with Sheila Rose

Family/systemic constellations is a workshop which helps uncover ancestral entanglements that might keep someone stuck in repeated patterns or unable to move forward in some aspects of life.


Workshop participants take the place of family members in the issue holders family to help uncover where there are blocks in the system.

Through a series of ‘movements’ the system comes more into balance. And movement and flow is returned.


Featured in an episode of sex love and goop and Netflix drama ‘another self’ this healing modality is becoming more and more popular.


This work helps us attend to what feels stuck and blocked and creates movement and flow. Through a workshop process the facilitator hears what is alive for the issue holder and then invites workshop attendees to represent family members or other elements related to the issue holder. Through this process we begin to see the unseen aspects that need to be acknowledged and included. This is deep and powerful work.


Whether you are an issue holder, representative or witness being part of this workshop will have create some shifts.


Introductory Offer £35.00 per head - Includes refreshments and snacks !

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